Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Thank you

Thank you to Healing Source for sponsoring our online Personal Challenge participants each who had succeeded at their first 4 weeks goals (all of them) with a 1-pound of their Yummy Hemp Hearts, to support further success.
Rod and I with Spirit Fitness have been working with Healing Source for some time now and appreciate all they bring with their product to our personal lives and all around us.

Thank You!

Brenda and Rod Coulter

Friday, March 09, 2007

Wow and wow

I was introduced to Nikken 2 years ago and thought-this is cool.
Lately, we have had more and more discovery into this amazing company and their products. I can't get enough. Most recently, we bought the Air Wellness....within 15minutes Rod's eyes weren't stinging from his allergies towards the cats we have. Our friends came over and instantly noticed the better breathing air quality, girlfriends 3 year old sleeps the whole 12 hour night with no allergy reactions nor asthma attacks. The list goes on and the air smells fresh and clean and clear.

Check it out-or come over and breath our fresh lovely air. You will magnetized towards it.

Air Wellness™ Power5

A breath of fresh air. The Nikken Power5 is the only indoor air filtering system that employs not just one or two but all major filtration technologies — including a prefilter, photocatalytic filter, carbon and nanocopper filtration, and finally, a HEPA filter like those used in laboratories and hospital operating rooms. More than a filter and deodorizer, the Power5 uses a patented process to create negative ions, like the air found in natural settings such as forests or near waterfalls. Walking through these surroundings feels soothing and relaxing — the Japanese call this shinrinyoku, “forest-air breathing.” And unlike other indoor air units, the Power5 operates without producing harmful ozone. The United States Environmental Protection Agency has classified ozone as a toxic gas. With the Power5, you don’t have to worry about increased exposure to this contaminant. Quiet and energy-efficient, the Power5 features an automatic mode that detects contaminants and activates the unit when certain levels are reached. Remote and manual control are included. A selectable aromatherapy system provides for even greater comfort and relaxation. AIR WELLNESS™ POWER5™ #1390 AIR WELLNESS™ POWER5™ FILTER REPLACEMENT PACK #1389

For more info contact me....

Thanks for reading,
Brenda Coulter
Personal Trainer
Nutritional Guidance
Life Coach
Nikken Consultant


Look at this fun, loving the new look and mind, Girl! Whistle-whistle. I love the confidence and excitement Sarah shows. She was so excited, yet nervous for testing last need to be nervous - she rocked the house.

Sarah was successful at working on all goals and would like to continue to better herself in these areas even more for the next 4 weeks and forever plus; compete in FAME in one year and to be more assertive and confident at work. You can do it, Sarah!!

Good luck and enjoy the new you!

Brenda and Rod Coulter

Thursday, March 08, 2007


Jaime has decided not to compete but is very interested in staying on track with the help of the personal online Challenge. She achieved some the first 4 weeks goals; some were for competition.

For the next 4 weeks, Jaime would like:

1) get in all cardio (4 @ 65% and 2 skipping for 20mins)
2) eat the right foods - really concentrate on no breads and no sweets
3) stay strong for entire 4 weeks - this is my biggest one, I need to break the cycle I have created
4) take time to visualize, pray, meditate

Jaime has made an extremely important personal discovery - head to her blog when you have a minute!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Last month Kelly wanted to;
Lose 5 lbs
Never miss a workout
Maintain fitness oriented eating habits.

During the 4 weeks Kelly was lucky and went to an Island for a 10 day holiday, came back a little nervous about testing...she did very well. She lost fat and tons of inches. Who said you can't holiday and remain fit? Great work Kelly!

For the next 4 weeks;

Lose 5 lbs
Enjoy my workouts more rather than just getting them done
Get more sleep

let's walk and support this amazing process!

Thanks for joining, Brenda and Rod Coulter.

Monday, March 05, 2007


Lori is looking FINE FINE FINE. Look at that happy stance and confidence in all her success. For a whole year Lori tried to lose wieght and make chnges and 4 weeks with our online Personal Challenge-Lori looks like a whole new Lady! Sassy. I love my job when i can see personality changes as this. Fantastic work Lori.

Lori wanted to lose 5 pounds, journal nutritional progress and become more positive on the self talk. Lori not only succeeded at all three but, she also succeeded at achieving the next 4 weeks goals in these 4 weeks!

Now, for the next 4 weeks from here, Lori is going to:

Lose another 5 pounds
Start a gratitude journal
Remove negative mental blocks
Cardio 5 times/week
Continue with Food Diary

Good luck and enjoy this process; it is your life!

Brenda and Rod Coulter

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Client A

Another GREAT job with our online Personal Challenge participant.

Client A wanted to lose fat and has been successful with her wishes.
She wanted to focus on Drinking at least 2 to 3 litres of water a day
Not put overtime in at the office if not really needed (a little troubles here)
Cut the negative self talk - doing well.

Now for the next 4 weeks goals; Client A is going to continue with workout consistency
-Consistency with clean eating has been a challenge but is becoming easier - not perfect but getting there. Hoping to see visible improvement in 8 week pictures
-new goal is to do a one arm push up by June 1st
-to cut down on time in the office and to lose a dress size by next measurement date

That's some fun goals.
Let's watch her succeed in the next 4 weeks.

Thanks, Client A.
Brenda and Rod Coulter

Friday, March 02, 2007


Changes-I mean changes...great work Shannon. Definitely leaner and more muscle mass developed.
Keep it up.
Shannon's last 4 weeks goals;

fix up my diet, eat cleaner-it shows that this was a success
strength train 3x week-all good here
cardio 3-4x week-3-4x/week....haha try 6 times plus skipping-yippy!

So, now for the next 4 weeks;

practice posing few times/week
cut up legs
get cardio done first thing everyday

Shannon is also adding in day 4 of training with Spirit Fitness in order to have a butt whopping extra killer leg day with posing. She's ready and lookin good!

Brenda and Rod Coulter


Wow - great scott! Look at these changes for Susan.
Susan's past 4 weeks goals; Lose Fat
Gain Muscle Size
Reduce Pain
Increase Muscle Strength

have all happened all the way while losing tons of fat.

Now, Susan has her posing routine for the Figure contest in May in Calgary and is meeting Tara for her costumes. That's fun.

Susan's next 4 weeks goals are;

1. Master strength moves for routine.
2. Have routine memorized and flowing.
3. Continue to lose fat

All of us wish you luck Susan, on further your contest prep.

Thanks, Brenda and Rod


Look at those eyes sparkle.

Leigh looks clearer and more bright eyed and bushy tailed.

Leigh didn't get testing done at the start for some reason, but my eyes and gut can tell she has leaned up and gained some new shape to that Bod.
Her 4 weeks goals from a month ago:
gain muscle mass...check
focus on eating enough good foods....check
getting kids in bed on time and having free time at night...some nights it's a check

Leigh is doing great! Nice work Miss Leigh.

For the next 4 weeks Leigh continues to train with me 2x/week and then Mark is home from Switzerland! Happiness everywhere.

Leigh's next 4 weeks goals are;

To improve flexibility
To get my cardio in
and the same goals as last month

Leigh knows what she wants and is ready to get it.

Thanks for reading,
Brenda and Rod

Client M

We are back and can you believe it's been 4 weeks already.
Wow, how time flies-and yes, we are having fun.

Client M has had fantastic results. From her first 4 weeks goals; client M has deffinitely decrease her body fat. Good all the way.
Client M has learned so much with how the body needs and responds to food and eating regularly. She has gone from wondering to understanding.

For the next 4 weeks;

To finally understand & deal with bouts of tiredness & fatigue during the day.

To eat very clean during the week (one treat meal, only)

To add more simplicity to my life

This last goal may seem a little vague but if I can simplify everything, then I am less likely to over stress & ruminate about stuff, if you know what I mean.

Best of luck and enjoyment.
Another 4 weeks of changing lives.

Brenda and Rod